Tuesday 5 May 2015

Welcome to the future!

For some time now some wonder ... The Spanish rowing has a future? Do our athletes are able to compete in the Olympic Games? The answer to these questions was rapid, forceful and concise; Yes.

But to build that future, certainly it requires changing the current Federal Management (today actually does not exist). Thus, a group of referees, executives, rowers and Technicians very diverse geographical and ideological origins, gradually gave shape to an idea that beating and commented on all National Regatta, in which it was crying and insistence a radical change in the course of our sport.

It does not try to change some people by others, to continue doing more or less the same. All we have to do is open a new path, a different path, seeking the best for our sport, from the debate and dialogue.

It is the duty of all to build it from both posts or executive positions, and from participation bodies. Surely you can also contribute.

The Spanish rowing requires us all.

1 comment:

  1. Como bien decís! Esto debe cambiar aun más, desde el debate y el diálogo, y no cambiando unas personas por otras. España puede!
