Friday 27 February 2015

Rowing Categories

These are formed by separating those that are mobile banking and non. Within those that are short rowing, rowing and long wearing a helmsman are distinguished.

Mobile banking, search the car can be moved on the tracks. Can be:

Rowing in couple: use short oars and each rower has two oars. Within this class are distinguished:
  • Skiff or there is only one single oarsman, the boat is 8m long.
  • Double scull or two pair, the boat is carried by two measures 10m.
  • Four or quadruple scull, here are four people and the boat is 13m.

Remo pointed coxless, each athlete uses a single long oar. In this category are distinguished:
  • A coxless pairs, as the name suggests the boat is propelled by two people and carries no helmsman, the hull is 10m in length (long).
  • A coxless four, four athletes propel a boat of 13m.

Remo pointed Skippered is like rowing a point, the only difference is the presence of a helmsman, which can be placed in the bow (front part) or aft (back part).
  • Two with coxswain, two people are responsible for propulsion, while a third lying on the bow, which governs the vessel and is responsible for monitoring the course of the race.
  • Four with coxswain, four row, while a fifth that, as in the previous case is lying on the bow handles steer and control the opponents.
  • Eight with coxswain, which in this case is sitting in the stern and indicates the rate at which the eight crew must row.

Fixed-bank, in this discipline the car is not moving, so it is more difficult for participants. There are different types:
  • Traineras vessels are governed by an employer, whose crew consists of 13 rowers.
  • Trainerillas: This boat also has a pattern, whose crew consists of 6 persons.
  • Bateles, consisting of 4 crew and helmsman.
  • Faluchos, consisting of pattern and 8 rowers.

Monday 23 February 2015

A qualitative study on the most common mistakes in rowing

Hello people! Today we begin the day attaching an article on a qualitative study of the most common mistakes in the exercise of rowing. We hope you like it.

We always try to improve, but no mistakes, it is essential to create a good technical base to help us improve avoiding injuries repetition of poor technical performances.

Let rowers and no rowers!

This article is written in Spanish, sorry.

  • Mayorga Vega, D., & Merino Marban, R. (2008). ESTUDIO CUALITATIVO DE LOS ERRORES MÁS FRECUENTES EN EL EJERCICIO DE REMO A QUALITATIVE STUDY ON THE MOST COMMON MISTAKES IN ROWING. International Journal of Medicine and Science of Physical Activity and Sport, 8(30), 184-198.

Friday 20 February 2015

Rowing like you've never seen it before...

We leave a motivational video. From our point of view, this is a great sport that you will enjoy. Courage! Enjoy it!

Rowing like you've never seen it before...

Follow us to discover our new posts and the day around regarding this sport.

What is rowing?

It is a water sport in which the athlete competes in boats propelled by muscular force of one or more rowers.

In a rowing boat all load bearing elements must be fixed to the body of the boat, but the car is sitting where the rower can move. If the car is moving or not result in classification or another.

The outrigger sailing is characterized by having a seat on wheels that allows you to use your legs for propulsion of the vessel. In fixed seat rowing, the rower is sitting on a fixed seat, and propulsion is done with the torso and arms. In both modes the paddler sits with his back to the direction of movement and are guided by buoys, signs or indications judges helmsman.

It has been an Olympic sport since the 1900 Paris Games. These include rowing events for men and women.

The races usually are in lakes and lagoons along 2 km. There are also river ride 4-6 km. This sport requires strength and endurance.


Thursday 19 February 2015

The biggest traditional rowing race in Spain

Hello friends,

This weekend is gonna be in Orio the biggest traditional rowing race in Spain. This year, more than 100 boats will participate, matching the record number of rowers. My club, REM BADALONA (I'm the physical trainer) will come from Catalonia.

Video to the race:

Tuesday 17 February 2015


Hello rowers and no rowers, this is a Blog to talk about our sport, we can speak of studies, races and training, and all about rowing!

Here you can find all the tools to discovert rowing sport.