Friday 27 February 2015

Rowing Categories

These are formed by separating those that are mobile banking and non. Within those that are short rowing, rowing and long wearing a helmsman are distinguished.

Mobile banking, search the car can be moved on the tracks. Can be:

Rowing in couple: use short oars and each rower has two oars. Within this class are distinguished:
  • Skiff or there is only one single oarsman, the boat is 8m long.
  • Double scull or two pair, the boat is carried by two measures 10m.
  • Four or quadruple scull, here are four people and the boat is 13m.

Remo pointed coxless, each athlete uses a single long oar. In this category are distinguished:
  • A coxless pairs, as the name suggests the boat is propelled by two people and carries no helmsman, the hull is 10m in length (long).
  • A coxless four, four athletes propel a boat of 13m.

Remo pointed Skippered is like rowing a point, the only difference is the presence of a helmsman, which can be placed in the bow (front part) or aft (back part).
  • Two with coxswain, two people are responsible for propulsion, while a third lying on the bow, which governs the vessel and is responsible for monitoring the course of the race.
  • Four with coxswain, four row, while a fifth that, as in the previous case is lying on the bow handles steer and control the opponents.
  • Eight with coxswain, which in this case is sitting in the stern and indicates the rate at which the eight crew must row.

Fixed-bank, in this discipline the car is not moving, so it is more difficult for participants. There are different types:
  • Traineras vessels are governed by an employer, whose crew consists of 13 rowers.
  • Trainerillas: This boat also has a pattern, whose crew consists of 6 persons.
  • Bateles, consisting of 4 crew and helmsman.
  • Faluchos, consisting of pattern and 8 rowers.

1 comment:

  1. Un artículo chevere, acá les dejo mis dies no más
