Monday 20 April 2015

The legendary race between Oxford and Cambridge allowed women to participate after 88 years

Thousands of persons were attending in the banks of the river Thames the first feminine ditch between Oxford and Cambridge where remarán in the same place and the same distance that the men.

The successes of female British rowing team and the arrival of a new sponsor, keys.

This Saturday will be a historical day in England. For the first time in 88 years, after a lot of effort of these, there will be a feminine ditch on the waters of the Thames.

The first feminine duel in the waters of the Thames happened in 1927 but from this day, already nevermore it was allowed the women to inform the same one not in the same distance used by the men on the river Thames. One was understanding that the feminine kind did not have the necessary force to make to move the crafts during 6,8 kilometres that it is the distance that the men cross and that this year the women will be able to dispute.

Now, finally, the equality of sexes comes to this one legendary race rowing.


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