Tuesday 21 April 2015

Why row?

Hello dear readers! Maybe some time you can ask, why rowing indoor? Well today we give you a few reasons why it's worth.Sure after reading them you put more eager! Be happy out there. Happy day!


• Rowing exercises all of your major muscle groups: legs, arms, back, abdomen, and buttocks.

• Rowing exercises muscles through a wider range of motion than most other exer- cises. This means that your muscles stretch and your joints move to a greater extent, thereby promoting flexibility and mobility. 

• Rowing provides aerobic and anaerobic conditioning as well as strength conditioning. 

• Rowing is a great calorie burner. Recent research shows that rowing burns calories faster than biking at the same perceived level of exertion. 

• Rowing is a lifelong sport that can be performed and enjoyed by all ages. 

• Rowing is a smooth motion, rhythmic, and impact free. 

• Rowing offers diverse opportunities: inside, outside, on water, on land, competi- tively, or for self-satisfaction. 

• Rowing is a time-efficient workout. It doesn’t take long to get a great workout. 

• Rowing is a complete exercise. 

• Rowing does not discriminate against age or gender. 

On an individual level, rowing may offer these additional benefits.

• To reduce stress and anxiety. 

• To keep in shape for surfing, mountain climbing, swimming, running, cycling. 

• Promotes well-being and self-esteem. 

• Weight loss, blood pressure reduction. 

• For relaxation and meditation, to clear one’s mind, to help one sleep. 

• For exercise when injured, rehabilitation. 

• To warm up for running or weight lifting. 

• A chance to watch TV without guilt. 

• The movement is inherently satisfying. 

• For the challenge of improving, competing against oneself. 

• For camaraderie, to meet nice people. 

• For the FUN of it!

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