Thursday 30 April 2015

Rowing is passion

Dear friends we leave this afternoon Thursday before a holiday in Spain, a video about the passion of this exciting sport. We are sure you will soon motivate facing the weekend approaches. 

Do not stop rowing!

Rowing Biomechanics Newsletter - 3

Today, as we have been doing these days ago, we got the third issue of Rowing Biomechanics Newsletter of Australia. Great analysis of the biomechanics of rowing.
We want to remain useful for all of you. Let rowers. We continue!

2011 rowbiomnews03 from izar23sv

By: Rowing Biomechanics Newsletter

The descent of the Sella river

Hello dear friends, today we will talk about the mythical descent of the Seals in Spain. Although we know that canoeing is wanted to mention this beautiful tradition that attracts thousands of people around the sport that date back back to 1929 when Dionysus de la Huerta, Dr. Benigno Morán and Flow Fernandez made to tour of the river With Piloña (tributary of the Seals river), this tour led to the current declines of the it seals. In 1932 the output and final goal in Arriondas and Ribadesella fixed and the first edition was conducted competitively, 1935 eats the first inscriptions of Asturian not paddlers and in 1951 the first European participants signed up. In the fall of 1994 they took out dwells than 1,400 boats.

Check out is at 12 am with the participants and their boats out of the water in assigned positions. The blades of the participants are locked in a metal structure that releases at the time the light changes from red to green. The arrival is placed under the bridge about 20 kilometers Ribadesella, closing control is performed 30 minutes after the first boat arrives each category.

The Spaniard Julio Martinez wins absolute Saints raise is the leading athlete testing and Palencia Gang in the female category, you have won twenty editions of decline.

So you know, do not hesitate to get out there and hit it hard to paddle. Happy Day friends!

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Rowing Biomechanics Newsletter - 2

Hello again! 

As we said, today we got a new number in the series of articles on the biomechanics of rowing Australia. Hopefully that are of interest to you and may be able to learn as much as we do.

Thanks again!

By: Rowing Biomechanics Newsletter

Tuesday 28 April 2015

Rowing Biomechanics Newsletter - 1

Hello friends!
We want to share with you a series of articles on Australian rowing biomechanics, we think we can be very interesting, and where we have learned a lot. During this week we will upload various issues.

Thanks for being there! And thanks to Rowing Biomechanics Newsletter for his article!

Monday 27 April 2015

Picasa Gallery

Hello rowers!

Today we have a new gadget, an album PICASSA where we will put photos of the regattas of the community and photos of our trainings of all the epochs, I wait that that you like!!

Rowing Crew exercises for the Beginner

Once the athletes are on the water it’s a good idea when their initially learning to have an experienced athlete in the bow that can just sit there and balance the boat. This same applies to a quad. Sitting tall with a straight back. Then practice what we call taps. This is tapping like this in order to get the concept of the forearm pushing the oar down. You will note that it’s not the shoulders pushing the oar. It’s simply the oar pushing the forearm pushing the oar down. Then this moving to the next stage where we’d have the tap and the separation. Again the forearm tapping and then the arm straight, but without the shoulders moving forward. 

The next sequence is where we go to the body over. We rock over like that rocking over from the pelvis. We go back to the finish again. Taps, body over position. So the sequence being to straighten the arms first and then rock over to the body. 

The next stage is to come down the slide. Holding that same body position all the way into the catch and then squaring up just before they get to the catch and taking the catch and then here we’re demonstrating taps of the catch. Again, put the blade in and it’s put in with the arms only and not by lifting the shoulders. 

Thanks to

Sunday 26 April 2015

TOP 5 Rowing - Epic moments of 2014

This is the TOP 5 of epic moments in 2014 in rowing. We hope you like it.


Saturday 25 April 2015

Basic Rowing Technique

Dear rowers! 

Today, we continue with our publications. The following Power Point talks about the basic technique in rowing. 

In our team, we hope you enjoy and you may continue learning something new every day.

Thursday 23 April 2015

Penultimate Regatta of the Liga SUMA

Hello Rowers!

On Sunday, the 19th d in April there was celebrated the penultimate regatta of the Liga Suma of remo in the facilities of Denia's Real Nautical Club. 

A day complicated due to the climatological conditions, marked by a strong wind of west what added one more factor of hardness to the own ones of the sport of the rowing. 

To only a regatta for the ending of the League, the absolute feminine team of the club of Rem Cía Gandía is in the uncertainty of the classification for the championship of Spain that was celebrated next May. The fifth and sixth position is disputed between 3 teams that regatta to regatta measure her forces in the water. 

In this regatta there was played the possibility of drifting apart from her rivals, but they did not obtain a good result staying in sixth position, behind her rivals.

Wednesday 22 April 2015

General Training Tips

Hello friends! Today we want provided some general tips when training in rowing. Gradually, we continue to grow. Thank you all.

Here are the tips, with the help of
  • Do some light stretching before you row. Include the lower back, back of leg, and shoulders.
  • At the beginning of every workout, warm up by rowing easily for about five minutes, gradually introducing bursts of higher intensity.
  • Plan your workout in advance so you can just get on the rower and start rowing.
  • Variety in your workouts helps both physiologically and psychologically.
  • Be sure to cool down at the end of your workout by rowing easily for five minutes or so.
  • Train with a friend at least some of the time.
  • Don’t forget to take rest days.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

The bible of rowing!

Hello friends a very good book for read about our sport!

Get a length up on the competition with cutting-edge technique, training and racing information. Let the world's top coaches, rowers and sport scientists steer you to ultimate success, starting with sound training and racing principles and adding increasingly advanced instruction and insights all the way to the finish. "Rowing Faster, 2nd Edition" is the most comprehensive and detailed guide for achieving excellence in the sport. You'll find techniques for mastering every phase of the stroke; training strategies for increasing strength and efficiency for maximizing speed; and, tapering plans for peak performance at the highest levels of competition.

Rowing Workouts

We continue rowers! In the following article, we leave a rowing workouts, which can be very useful for your own use.

Why row?

Hello dear readers! Maybe some time you can ask, why rowing indoor? Well today we give you a few reasons why it's worth.Sure after reading them you put more eager! Be happy out there. Happy day!


• Rowing exercises all of your major muscle groups: legs, arms, back, abdomen, and buttocks.

• Rowing exercises muscles through a wider range of motion than most other exer- cises. This means that your muscles stretch and your joints move to a greater extent, thereby promoting flexibility and mobility. 

• Rowing provides aerobic and anaerobic conditioning as well as strength conditioning. 

• Rowing is a great calorie burner. Recent research shows that rowing burns calories faster than biking at the same perceived level of exertion. 

• Rowing is a lifelong sport that can be performed and enjoyed by all ages. 

• Rowing is a smooth motion, rhythmic, and impact free. 

• Rowing offers diverse opportunities: inside, outside, on water, on land, competi- tively, or for self-satisfaction. 

• Rowing is a time-efficient workout. It doesn’t take long to get a great workout. 

• Rowing is a complete exercise. 

• Rowing does not discriminate against age or gender. 

On an individual level, rowing may offer these additional benefits.

• To reduce stress and anxiety. 

• To keep in shape for surfing, mountain climbing, swimming, running, cycling. 

• Promotes well-being and self-esteem. 

• Weight loss, blood pressure reduction. 

• For relaxation and meditation, to clear one’s mind, to help one sleep. 

• For exercise when injured, rehabilitation. 

• To warm up for running or weight lifting. 

• A chance to watch TV without guilt. 

• The movement is inherently satisfying. 

• For the challenge of improving, competing against oneself. 

• For camaraderie, to meet nice people. 

• For the FUN of it!

Monday 20 April 2015

USRowing: Safety Information

We leave a PowerPoint presentation on the US Rowing that sure you can like and to be interested. Let rowers!

The legendary race between Oxford and Cambridge allowed women to participate after 88 years

Thousands of persons were attending in the banks of the river Thames the first feminine ditch between Oxford and Cambridge where remarán in the same place and the same distance that the men.

The successes of female British rowing team and the arrival of a new sponsor, keys.

This Saturday will be a historical day in England. For the first time in 88 years, after a lot of effort of these, there will be a feminine ditch on the waters of the Thames.

The first feminine duel in the waters of the Thames happened in 1927 but from this day, already nevermore it was allowed the women to inform the same one not in the same distance used by the men on the river Thames. One was understanding that the feminine kind did not have the necessary force to make to move the crafts during 6,8 kilometres that it is the distance that the men cross and that this year the women will be able to dispute.

Now, finally, the equality of sexes comes to this one legendary race rowing.


Friday 17 April 2015

Fish attack a rowing team

Since it is possible to observe in the following video, a rowing team is training when they suffer the assault of a school of fish.

This is a sample of the wonderful and surprising thing that can manage to be this sport. Incredible, fantastic.
Video by

Thursday 16 April 2015

IX Regatta of the LIGA SUMA (Alicante)

Last Sunday there took place in Alicante the regatta IX of the LIGA SUMA (traditional ROWING in Llaut). Approaching the end of league and the teams are catching a high ritmo of competition, which does not compete for gaining a medal how seeks to qualify between the 6 first ones of his category to come to the Championship of Spain.

The girls whom I train remained an employee who starts on a very low salary 5 º put, we continue fulfilling aims, this weekend we will row in Denia being the penultimate regatte of the league, will continue telling you!!

Thanks LIGA SUMA by photo.

Tons of dead fish cleared from Rio rowing venue

Thirty-two tonnes of dead fish have been cleared out of the lagoon where Olympic rowing and canoeing events will take place at Rio 2016. Some experts believe pollution is to blame, while others claim it is down to a sudden drop in water temperature.

The Games begin in Rio de Janeiro on 5 August next year.

Tonnes of dead fish have been washed up at the Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas at regular intervals for more than a decade. In February, thousands of dead fish were discovered in Guanabara Bay, which will host the sailing events. The venue has previously caused concern because of the levels of refuse and untreated sewage in the water.

In January, Brazilian government officials admitted they would miss their target of an 80% reduction in water pollution by the start of the Olympics.
(Via The BBC website)

Photography by BBC Sport.

Photography by BBC Sport.

Thursday 9 April 2015

6 Rowing Machine Mistakes You Might Be Making (And How to Fix Them)

It's easy to make mistakes when using a rower, officially known as an "ergometer," the first couple of times. "Learning to row has often been made way too complicated and intimidating," says Josh Crosby, rowing world champion.

Use these expert tips:

  • Mistake 1: Forgetting to check the damper setting.
  • Mistake 2: Rowing with only your arms. 
  • Mistake 3: Mixing up the order of operations. 
  • Mistake 4: Hunching your back during the stroke. 
  • Mistake 5: Banging your butt into your heels or rushing. 
  • Mistake 6: Shooting your butt out and having to jerk your upper body back.
(Huffpost, 2015)